Hey there, thank you for dropping by.
1. I’m the CEO & Co-Founder of Calm Collective Asia, a mission-driven organisation that is normalising mental health in Asia. Learn more about what we do here.
2. I am a Workplace Wellbeing consultant, where I help global organisations drive business performance through team-based wellbeing and psychological safety. Learn about what we do here, and read client stories here.
3. I love music, and am a professional DJ. I only accept gigs before midnight (sleep is important!). Listen to my house, techno, and dance mixes on Soundcloud.
In between ‘doing’, I enjoy simply ‘being’ — observing thoughts and trends, appreciating nature, connecting with myself and with others.
Occasionally, I share my thoughts about life, the universe, and everything — visit my blog to find out what’s been on my mind. (I’ve been writing on LinkedIn too!)